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Go From Reaction To Prevention

Environmental Monitoring In Food Production

bioMérieux’s data-driven Environmental Monitoring (EM) solutions help you identify potential spoilage or contamination issues in your facility and proactively address challenges.

EMpower your environmental monitoring program with our Augmented Diagnostics approach.

Connect the Dots in your Facility with Enhanced Environmental Monitoring

In the competitive landscape of food production, many challenges arise:

  • Detect contaminations earlier
  • Access information and take action faster
  • Effectiveness of mitigation actions
  • Adapt to changing risks
  • Reduce your costs
  • Identify conditions that will promote a contamination

Final product testing alone isn't enough. By automating your environmental monitoring program with digital tools, you ensure traceable data that is optimal for continuous improvement and compliance. EM is critical throughout the entire food production process, from planning and execution to problem-solving and optimization, enabling proactive identification of issues, adherence to standards, prompt troubleshooting, and fine-tuning processes for efficiency.


Connect Your Facility & Turn Your Data Into Actionable Insights

We recognize the intricate web of systems being used within your operation. These systems often generate diverse data from various sources, but they tend to exist in silos. However, with our Augmented Diagnostics approach, we bridge these gaps, helping you connect the dots to build an optimized environmental monitoring program.


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Discover Our Tools For An Optimized Environmental Monitoring Program


Partner With bioMérieux For Customized Environmental Monitoring

Every facility is different, with unique challenges, wants, and needs. Fill out the form below and get in touch with one of our environmental monitoring experts, who can chat with you about your current situation and get started on a tailored plan specific to your operation!

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Continue Learning About Environmental Monitoring

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Exploring Environmental Monitoring: Unveiling Its Benefits

In the intricate landscape of food manufacturing and production, ensuring product safety and quality is paramount. The implementation of a robust and comprehensive environmental monitoring program is essential for achieving these objectives, safeguarding both consumers and the reputation of food factories.

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In this white paper, let author Jack van der Sanden explain how a strict routine of plant health checks would detect anomalies more quickly and avoid many problems.
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Mastering Food Safety: Unlocking the Power of Environmental Monitoring  

Jack Van Der Sanden, renowned International Food Safety Advisor at bioMérieux, delves into the crucial realm of environmental monitoring and how it safeguards food production.

Augmented Diagnostics

Food Safety & Quality

To help the food processing industry keep pace with the rapidly changing environment, we are investing heavily in disruptive science and technology. This enables our customers to anticipate emerging risks and take full control of their operations.