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Discover the Customer Portal

All your interactions with bioMérieux in one place.


Simplifying Your Life

The Customer Portal is your private web space allowing you to centralize your interactions with bioMérieux.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Before you can log into the Portal, you must first activate your account by clicking the link in the Welcome email you received from bioMérieux.

Did not receive an email? Click here and let us guide you. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Already a Customer Portal user? Log in at .​

Go to the Customer Portal login page and click on “Forgot Your Password?”.​

Enter your username (email address) and you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.​

The Resource Center gives you access to product documentation whereas Customer Portal provides you online services such as order management, support, appointments.​

To make your experience easier, both websites are accessible through the same ID and password. ​

You can access the Resource Center directly from the Portal. From the Customer Portal, click on “Support” > “Resource Center” to access your Resource Center. ​

Based on your profile or location, some available features may differ.​

Feel free to reach out to your bioMérieux contact for more information! ​

We are deploying the Customer Portal country by country, and are doing our best to make it available as soon as possible in all countries. ​

Feel free to reach out to your bioMérieux contact for more information! ​

You entered a wrong password too many times. After three requests, your account will be blocked for five minutes. Please wait five minutes before entering the correct password. If needed, you may also reset your password by clicking on the “Forgot password?” link and following the instructions.

Depending on your profile and geographical location, the price may not be displayed depending on availability. In this case, contact your sales representative for more information.

Due to commercial constraints, some products require a specific price request to bioMérieux sales representatives.

Click on the “Need a Quote” button to request a quote in just one click!

Prices are reviewed regularly according to commercial constraints. Do not hesitate to contact your sales representative for any questions about our prices.

Due to local context, tax & freight may be adjusted or updated directly on the Order Details page, which may result in a difference between it and the Order Confirmation page.