Rapidly detect common wine spoilers before bottling in both red and white wines with BOTTLESAFE. The BOTTLESAFE pre-bottling quality tools validate filtration and ensure your carefully crafted wines are free of common spoilage bacteria and yeast, protecting your vintage bottles and your brand.
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Product Details
BOTTLESAFE was made for wineries by wineries. Developed in partnership with Jackson Family Wines, the solution is versatile enough to detect spoilers in both red and white wines before bottling, and can be utilized by any size wine quality program.
- Powered by VERIFLOW®
- Ability to isolate tainted lots early to minimize cross-contamination
- Less intrusive with temperature modulation
Main Benefits
- Onsite results in less than 4 hours
- Streamlined workflow and cost-efficient deployment
- Minimal to no impact on wine quality and value
- More cost-effective than sending wine out for laboratory services
- Dedicated customer support and Scientific Affairs team