Press Releases
12 Apr 2010
bioMérieux Acquires from AnagnosTec - Database and Expertise for Rapid Microbial Identification Using Mass Spectrometry
Marcy l’Etoile, France - April 12, 2010. bioMérieux announces today that it has agreed on the terms for the acquisition of certain assets from AnagnosTec, a company based in the greater Berlin area, s...
08 Apr 2010
bioMérieux’s PREVI™ Isola Wins the 2010 - Medical Design Excellence Award
Marcy l’Etoile, France - April 8, 2010. The award highlights the automated media streaker’s breakthrough technology. A world leader in in vitro diagnostics, bioMérieux announced today that its automat...
08 Mar 2010
bioMérieux 2015
Marcy l'Etoile, France - March 8, 2010. A powerful strategic vision for 2010-2015, driven by innovation and international development.
08 Mar 2010
bioMérieux results 2009
Marcy l'Etoile, France - March 8, 2010. Solid operating and financial performance: Strong growth in sales: up 10.4% - At constant exchange rates Significant increase in operating margin: up 14.1%, at ...
22 Jan 2010
Rapport d’activité 2009
Marcy l'Etoile, France - 22 janvier 2010. bioMérieux, acteur mondial du diagnostic in vitro, communique aujourd'hui son rapport d’activité du 4ème trimestre et de l’ensemble de l’année 2009. Le chiffr...
14 Jan 2010
bioMérieux Acquires Chinese Rapid Test Manufacturer Meikang Biotech
Marcy l’Etoile, France - January 14, 2010. Company to leverage new production site to capture growth in China and expand Point of Care and rapid diagnostics offer for both emerging and developed count...