Press Releases
28 Sep 2011
Mise en œuvre du retrait obligatoire visant les actions AES Chemunex
Marcy L'Etoile, France - September 28, 2011. Communiqué de mise à disposition de la note d’information de bioMérieux et de la note en réponse d’AES Chemunex visées par l’AMF, ainsi que des information...
06 Sep 2011
bioMérieux - First-Half Results at June 30, 2011
Marcy L'Etoile, France - September 6, 2011. Operating income before non-recurring items Up 5.2% At 17.8% of sales Two strategic acquisitions: AES Laboratoire, making bioMérieux world leader in food te...
06 Sep 2011
bioMérieux - First-Half 2011 Business Review
Marcy L'Etoile, France - July 19, 2011. At constant exchange rates and comparable business base* First-half sales up 4.3% Second-quarter sales accelerate: up 5.1% Good performance in North America con...
27 Jul 2011
New Study Reports: CancerTYPE ID Expands Tumor Type Coverage and Demonstrates Clinical Utility - CancerTYPE ID is Now a Covered Benefit for Medicare Part B Patients
SAN DIEGO, Calif., - July 27, 2011. bioTheranostics, a bioMérieux company that develops innovative oncology diagnostic tests to support targeted disease management, announced today study results publi...
22 Jul 2011
Completion of the AES Chemunex group acquisition and filing of a tender offer for the AES Chemunex shares
Marcy-l’Etoile, France - July 22, 2011. bioMérieux has today acquired the entire capital and voting rights of Skiva (441 886 728 R.C.S. Paris), the parent company of the AES Chemunex group. Through th...
19 Jul 2011
bioMérieux Expands its Infectious Disease Offering with Acquisition of ARGENE, Specialized in Molecular Diagnostics for Immunocompromised Patients
Marcy l'Etoile, France - July 19, 2011 . bioMérieux, a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, announced that it has acquired ARGENE, a French company specialized in molecular diagnostics. ...